4th Millennial competition
in creative industry
Proud to announce that our guide Marija will take part in the 4th Millennial competition in the creative industry as the undergraduate student of History of the Adriatic and of the Mediterranean, University of Dubrovnik!
The international Millennial competition will be held from November 29 to December 2, 2022 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, where Marija, on behalf of her team DUmystic, will present the conceptual solution named “Candles and mystic tales of Dubrovnik”, within the higher education category Creative Planet, organized for students from the Republic of Croatia and abroad.
The vision of the competition is “the realization of a society based on knowledge and creativity, capable of building and exporting its own conceptual solutions connected with historical and cultural heritage, and realized with modern technologies.”
We hope for a good placement of our DUmystic team!
Click the button to learn more about the competition itself!

Dubrovnik Times
The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the face of tourism in 2020, hotels have remained closed, airlines grounded and restaurants empty. And one link in the chain has been the hardest hit, especially in Dubrovnik, the local tour guides. Even the busiest and most popular guides are scratching around to have one tour a day. In challenging times innovation is the key and one Dubrovnik guide has decided not to sit on her hands but to be proactive.
Dubrovniknet Hr
Mlada Dubrovkinja, mama dvoje djece, prije četiri godine otvorila je vlastiti obrt i hrabro krenula u poduzetničku avanturu. Pa iako je ova korona godina pomalo omela u poslu, ona ne miruje, osmišljava nove ture, piše knjigu i kaže, možda nam je ova jedna godina odmora prava prilika da pronađemo mjeru za dubrovački turizam. Predstavljamo vam Mariju Milovac.
Portal Oko
Turistička vodička poznata po misterijama, Marija Milovac 21. siječnja okupila je još jednu grupu radoznalih ljudi na Boninovu, među kojima su bili strani turisti, da bi ih uvela u svijet misterije i duhova. Turistička tura uključuje večernju šetnju i priču, ali je samo za one neustrašive. Bez obzira na zimske uvjete mnogi žele čuti lokalne mistične priče i upustiti se u ovu zanimljivu avanturu!
Dubrovnik Times
Imagine your Dubrovnik tour starting at sunset, with your guide waiting for you with lantern in a long, black hooded dress. Marija Milovac became a Dubrovnik attraction when she started her Haunted Dubrovnik tours. Mysterious stories, secrets, legends - Dubrovnik history is full of them and they are just waiting to be discovered. You just need to be brave – some of them might scare you!
Večernji list
Vriskovi u noći, zveket lanaca, škripanje lustera, koraci u mraku napuštene kuće. Duhovi bez glava... Ukleti Dubrovnik. Lokalna mistična priča koju od ovog ljeta turistima prenosi Marija. Dvosatna turistička tura uključuje večernju šetnju i priču, ali je samo za one najhrabrije. Evo, na primjer, jedne priče s Boninova. Istina, nije s ture, ali ilustrira o čemu se ovdje radi. Dakle, mistična priča iz Dubrovnika.
Da bi se istorija nekog grada upoznala na zanimljiviji i originalniji način nego što je to uobičajeno ponekad je neophodno malo skrenuti sa „utabanih“ turističkih staza.
Upravo to smo uradili u omiljenom nam Dubrovniku, zajedno sa još nekoliko ljubitelja mističnog, tajnog i neotkrivenog, uživajući u pričama koje možda i nisu za svačije uši.